Friday, July 25, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008), Directed by Christopher Nolan

Summary: Continuing his quest to clean up the streets of his beloved Gotham City, the vigilante hero Batman struggles in his quest to capture the Joker: a psychotic new criminal whose sinister tactics prove surprisingly resistant to the masked hero's crime fighting methods.

Things I Liked: The look of the film. The score. The execution of the script, especially with regard to theme. Strong performances all around.

Things I Didn't Like: A few (admittedly minor) logic-related hiccups as relates to the film's plot. Batman's vocal inflection.

Three and Three Quarters Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it

Two Stars: Didn't like it

Three Stars: Liked it

Four Stars: Really liked it

Five Stars: Loved it

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