Monday, December 31, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Directed by Gore Verbinski

Summary: In this, the third installment of the popular action-adventure franchise, the film's hero and heroine seek to enlist the aid of the other notorious pirate lords in order to A). locate and rescue their lost companion and B). organize a resistance against the formidable British-run East India Trading Company.

Things I Liked: The first-rate visual and creature effects. The makeup and many of the costumes. The high production value and use of existing locations.

Things I Didn't Like: The overwrought and unnecessarily complex storyline. The sound. Unlike CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, the focus of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END appears to lie with it's enormous set pieces and lengthy, larger-than-life action sequences rather than with an interesting storyline and characters.

Two Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it

Two Stars: Didn't like it

Three Stars: Liked it

Four Stars: Really liked it

Five Stars: Loved it

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