Friday, November 30, 2007

Enchanted (2007), Directed by Kevin Lima

Summary: A naive young lady is magically exiled from her classically animated fairy tale kingdom to modern day New York City; a place where she finds her idealistic beliefs severely tested.

Things I Liked: Many of Lima's creative decisions. The traditionally animated segments are very well done, as is the whimsical art direction seen over the film's end credits. Interestingly, the film's story plays a bit leaner on screen than it did in (an earlier version of) the script.

Things I Didn't Like: The lack of complex characters (it's worth noting, however, that many of the actors do a fine job with their roles). The humor and songs. The film's over-reliance on mediocre digital effects and computer animation; particularly during important moments in the film.

Two and One Quarter Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it

Two Stars: Didn't like it
Three Stars: Liked it
Four Stars: Really liked it

Five Stars: Loved it

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