Monday, October 29, 2007

Juno (2007) Directed by Jason Reitman

Summary: When a strong-willed, vigorously independent young high schooler learns that she's pregnant, she and her best friend settle upon a unique (and often humorous) path for the baby.

Things I Liked: The well-written and unformulaic script. The quietly competent direction and often hilarious performances of the cast make this film more original than most of it's ilk. Overall, a cute and enjoyable story.

Things I Didn't Like: The music and songs. Viewers may have trouble separating some of the actors' characters from the television and feature film roles they're most famous for.

Three Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it
Two Stars: Didn't like it
Three Stars: Liked it
Four Stars: Really liked it
Five Stars: Loved it

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