Sunday, May 11, 2014

Frozen (2013) Directed by Chris Buck

Summary: Following a dangerous incident involving a fearful public and her own wintry special abilities, a newly crowned queen flees into the solitude of the wilderness, prompting her estranged younger sister to set out after her.  En route, the younger sister discovers companionship, love and adventure.

Things I Liked: The lushly designed and vibrantly rendered environments.  The character animation/performances of the lead characters.  Both the casting and the execution of the visual effects felt very natural to me.

Things I Didn't Like: The songs – most of which seemed less effective at furthering the story than those of many Disney musicals.  The modeling and animation of some of the background characters.

Two Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it
Two Stars: Didn't like it
Three Stars: Liked it 

Four Stars: Really liked it
Five Stars: Loved it

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