Saturday, March 24, 2012

John Carter (2012) Directed by Andrew Stanton

Summary: A Civil War Veteran finds himself magically transported to the planet Mars, then forced to participate in a massive war before finally finding love and a cause worth fighting for. Based upon the Edgar Rice Burroughs adventure pulp classic A PRINCESS OF MARS.

Things I Liked: The concepts and storytelling presented and explored during the beginning and ending of the film. The period costumes and sets. The sound design. The computer-generated animation, which, overall, I found to be quite seamless.

Things I Didn't Like: The film's overwrought and bloated midsection. The overlarge cast of characters. The Mars costume designs, prop designs and vehicle designs, many of which felt derivative of past sci-fi and science fantasy films.

Two Stars out of Five Stars

FilmWatch Ratings Legend:

One Star: Hated it

Two Stars: Didn't like it

Three Stars: Liked it

Four Stars: Really liked it

Five Stars: Loved it

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