Summary: Origin story behind the popular comic-book superhero. An intensely patriotic young man (whose laundry list of physical health problems have heretofore kept him out of the army) gets his big chance when his ideals of honesty, integrity and courage result in him being selected as the top candidate for a new generation of super soldiers. The experimental serum proves successful, transforming Steve Rogers into the costume-wearing, shield-toting superhero known as Captain America and providing the Allies with a brave and valiant new weapon in the war against Hitler and the Italian fascist known as the Red Skull.
Things I Liked: The film's re-envisioning of the hero's clothing from comic book costume to a much more believable uniform and gear. The digital effects, particularly the depiction of pre-hero Steve. The performance of Hugo Weaving. The makeup (particularly that of the film's antagonist, The Red Skull).
Things I Didn't Like: The casting of far too recognizable actors. The first hour or so of the film, which takes a little long to get going. The film's emphasis on Axis weapons technology which, in my opinion, has a tendency to create more plot problems that it solves. Captain America's low-key personality and lack of charisma, which, while appropriate and perhaps even true to the character, prevents the film from becoming a truly great comic book adaptation.
Three Stars out of Five Stars
FilmWatch Ratings Legend:
One Star: Hated it
Two Stars: Didn't like it
Three Stars: Liked it
Four Stars: Really liked it
Five Stars: Loved it
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
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